No matter if you are five or sixty five,
Strength, Conditioning, and Flexibility are all benefits that a student can expect to receive with Bobby Lawrence Karate. Every muscle group is strengthened and defined with the exercises, movements, technique, and training drills that are incorporated into our curriculum.
Your endurance and stamina will peak as we
increase your cardiovascular conditioning. All
these physical benefits for your body will be felt in your daily life and activities, increasing your energy and confidence.

Self defense

Self Defense, Fitness, and Excitement are all reasons that men and women love our Layton Adult Karate classes. Martial arts training has become one of the most popular choices for adults world wide. This is because with martial arts men and women get in great shape, developing a lean tone body and increase their cardio conditioning while learning the true skills of real self defense. What a Great Combination!
Our Layton Adult Martial Arts classes will help you finally develop all of those physical attributes like flexibility, core strength, speed, power, and agility that you seek at traditional gyms but also the ability to kick some butt and have some FUN!


Most any exercise gets some results when performed and most any self defense is better than none. The problem is that most fitness programs fail to offer the excitement and interest to keep the participant consistent in their training, therefore setting them up for failure in their results.
The successful fitness results of Bobby Lawrence Karate are supported by personal
development. Our students learn concepts and receive coaching in focus, goal setting,
self discipline and confidence that help to keep them on track. It is like having your own personal trainer and success coach all in one!